Brunnenhof Sportpferde now has a state-of-the-art rehabilitation and wellness centre that has been specially developed to meet the needs of sport horses. Our aim is to provide optimum care for horses after injuries or operations and to get them back into sport healthy and fit.

With state-of-the-art equipment and versatile therapy options, we offer you:
- Aquatrainer with spa function: Gentle water training for targeted muscle building and rehabilitation
- Vibration plate: Supports the deep muscles and improves balance
- Brine box with coloured light therapy: For respiratory relaxation and well-being
- Equitron and Hofmag: Innovative magnetic field therapies to promote regeneration
- LED and magnetic field therapy: accelerate healing processes
All treatments are supervised by internationally renowned vets and physiotherapists. Your horse can stay with us for complete rehabilitation and, if desired, be trained under saddle until its first competition start – individually tailored to your and its needs.
Our aim is to promote the long-term health and performance of your horse through comprehensive regenerative and preventative therapy options. Place your trust in the highest quality in equine rehabilitation.